The HtmlPlaceholde does not respect the applied Scale Transformations.
The control is misplaced when you zoom in/out the browser window. To work this around you can manually calculate and set the top and left positions of the HTML presenter. this.htmlPlaceholder.Loaded += (sender, args) => { this.htmlPlaceholder.LayoutUpdated += htmlPlaceholder_LayoutUpdated; }; private void htmlPlaceholder_LayoutUpdated(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(delegate { double controlTop = GetTop(); double controlLeft = GetLeft(); htmlPlaceholder.HtmlPresenter.SetStyleAttribute("top", controlTop + "px"); htmlPlaceholder.HtmlPresenter.SetStyleAttribute("left", controlLeft + "px"); }); }
When placed in scrollviewer and browser is resized in order to appear the scrollbar, HTMLPlaceHodler doesn`t render correctly. The issue can be reproduced in both scenarios - setting the HtmlSource or SourceUrl property.
The control doesn't work in Safari
Does not display properly when placed in StackPanel.
Currently, RadHtmlPlaceholder is an IFrame which is being rendered on top of the Silverlight plugin. Therefore, no mouse or keyboard events are being fired.
RadHtmlPlaceholder does not respect the EnableAutoZoom property.
"Value does not fall withing the expected range" exception is thrown when displayed in a tooltip in a RadMap
SetProperty fails on HtmlPresenter.
When PDF is shown, setting visibility to collapsed makes the web page blank
When the HtmlPlaceholder is placed in an ItemTemplate of a ListBox and if the HtmlPlaceholder.KeepContentInMemory is set to True, the control is rendered twice - in the ListBoxItems and in the top left of the page
Incorrect rendering under Mac and Safari
OnUnload/OnBeforeUnload do not fire after changing SourceUrl
This only happens in IE8. IE9, Chrome, FF3 and FF4 all work okay. As soon as the componenet is set to visible the scrollbar appears because something has been added to the body html. The suggested workaround to have the body style overflow set to hidden
Does not resize correctly in IE when surrounded by GridSplitters
The control cannot be placed inside ToolTip ContentTemplate
When placed in scrollviewer and browser is resized in order to appear the scrollbar, HTMLPlaceHodler doesn`t render correctly. The issue can be reproduced in both scenarios - setting the HtmlSource or SourceUrl property.
HtmlPlaceholder is renderred incorrectly in ChildWindow
Support for WebBrowserBrush.