Extend the player to support opening images. Add feature to support slideshow of images.
Implement template or properties providing the audio player look when playing audio files. For example: hide the media rectangle when it is not required; provide a way for customizing the videocontrols panel.
Shuffle, repeat, none play mode
Add MediaElement Paused event
Allow disabling of the FullScreen functionality.
Mechanism for previewing a frame when the user mouses over the video progress indicator.
Provide localization for RadMediaPlayer.
When used in floating RadPane and other RadWindow is focused, the player re-loads its video
Expose a property to control the visibility of the Play button
There's a memory leak in the Silverlight plugin for Google Chrome as of 12.0.742.30. When a Silverlight plugin is loaded in an iframe, then the iframe source is changed, the memory originally used for the plugin is never released until the tab is closed. And when the RadMediaPlayer is used in an AJAX solution where it is placed in an Iframe, the control is slow and unresponsive in Chrome.
The video source for a MediaItem is downloaded multiple times.
When reloading a wmv a "Cannot Access a closed stream" error occurs
The MediaElement is playing while the LoadingElement is still displayed
Allow Position property to be set before Loaded event
Add PlaylistVisibilityChanged and PreviewPlaylistVisibilityChanged events.
Add feature to Show one or more frames while scrubbing, indication where the user is when scrubbin the postition slider.
MediaPlayer: Make StreamAttached event RoutedEvent.
Auto restart the current movie after finished when click Play
Advanced resizing €“ hide elements on smaller sizes