The current implementation of the Native Chart component doesn't provide the option to define the position of the tooltip when using crosshairs in the component.
Can you add a configuration option similar to categoryAxis.crosshair.tooltip.positionwhich is available in the jQuery suite?
Currently, if we want to set the height of a Pie Chart, its labels are appearing outside the visible area of the component. This behavior can be seen in this StackBlitz example.
While the Kendo UI for Angular and Kendo UI for jQuery have the autoFit property available in the seriesItems' configuration, this property is missing in the Native Vue Charts. making this property available in the Vue Charts will help in the implementation of specific Chart scenarios.
Currently, the Chart component can be exported to PDF, Image or SVG file.
Being able to export Charts to an Excel file would be a useful feature. The exported file should contain the Chart data and visualize the Chart itself.