Hello Telerik team,
In order to have a the navigation feature on the Chart, I try to use TelerikStockChart with Line and Area series. I have the following code (adapted of your exemple):
https://blazorrepl.telerik.com/QxuvvZbK14tymFOf29@using TelerikBlazorDemos.DataAccess.Services
@using TelerikBlazorDemos.DataAccess.Dto
@page "/stockchart/overview"
@page "/stockchart/index"
@using System.Collections.Generic
@inject HttpClient http
@if (Data?.Count() > 0)
<TelerikStockChart Width="@Width"
<StockChartTitle Text="The Boeing Company NYSE:BA"></StockChartTitle>
<StockChartTooltip Visible="true"></StockChartTooltip>
<StockChartSeries Type="StockChartSeriesType.Area"
<StockChartNavigatorSeries Type="StockChartSeriesType.Line"
<StockChartValueAxis Name="test" Max="40">
<StockChartValueAxisTitle Text="test2" />
<StockChartValueAxisLabels Background="Yellow"/>
@code {
private StockService _stockService;
private StockService StockService
if(_stockService == null)
_stockService = new StockService(http);
return _stockService;
public const string Height = "400px";
public const string Width = "100%";
IEnumerable<StockDto> Data { get; set; }
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
Data = (await StockService.GetStocks()).Take(100);
await base.OnInitializedAsync();
The problem is the y axis label. I didn't succeded to remove the currency symbol.
I try to change the StockChartValuesAxisLabel format on the TelerikStockChart but the field is not available.
How can i change this format?
Please expose a StockChartSeriesLine tag for the StockChart, so that I can set a SmoothStyle. like in the regular Chart:
<ChartSeries Type="ChartSeriesType.Area">
<ChartSeriesLine Style="@ChartSeriesLineStyle.Smooth"></ChartSeriesLine>
Common requirement of StockChart, or other time-based charts is to indicate events on the timeline. e.g. Dividends, stock splits, etc.
Here is an example; see the D and S events indicated on chart
To support this, we need to be able to supply a dataset of time-based events, that will be overlayed with indicators on the chart.
Display Volume data, on 2nd y-axis (already possible) BUT this 2nd axis needs to be scaled down to bottom x% of vertical.
Most useful StockCharts support display of pricing info (OHLC) up top, and volume below. Example here