It would be nice, if not required by our client, to have 100% Web-based, Rich, Ad-hoc Reporting Solution.
Something similar to the one in ComponentOne Active Report
Let us know what you think in the comments and how we can further improve the designer.
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Posted on:18 Sep 2019 16:05
In the latest release R3 2019 we have introduced a preview version of the Telerik Web Report Designer. We continue to work on the Web Report Designer and we will introduce improvements and new features in the consequent releases.
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Posted on:02 Sep 2018 17:32
It will be used also by your Reporting Server. It will be a plus.
Posted on:11 Jun 2018 17:29
See also:
Posted on:10 Mar 2018 16:40
A web based embedded control to change reports would be extremely useful.
Posted on:21 Nov 2017 17:38
This is the most popular/liked feedback item (and has been for quite some time), yet it is not listed in your recently published 2018 roadmap (through Q3 2018):
Do you plan to address this request?
Posted on:18 Nov 2017 14:12
Devexpress has a very simple editor. I do not want to move my complete project to Devexpress just because of this small tool. Can you please speed up?
Thank you
Imported User
Posted on:09 Nov 2015 19:02
Designer control for WinForms, ASP.NET and ASP.NET MVC will be much better. Our users want layout customization of company logos and fonts. Templates just won't be enough. For the designer control we should able to decide what fields and data sources are available for the end user to pick without them knowing about all the technical mumble jumble.
Shoji Kaburagi
Posted on:02 May 2015 03:37
Agree. Something like DevExpress report designer component for Asp.Net Mvc... except it's a sham. I had to try several attempts to make a label or a field to stick. We are using Telerik reports, but because end users are having to download standalone, they are not popular.
Posted on:13 Mar 2015 15:50
Agree with all comments. An installed application for report editing is a non-starter. A web based embedded control to generate ad-hoc reports would be extremely useful. Even better would be to provide the ability to save that report structure and edit it at a later date.
Posted on:13 Mar 2015 10:34
This seems close to something that I would like to see which is an embedded control as in an addition to the kendo mvc toolkit where you could build into an application the ability for customers to design the layouts of their reports. For example.. Say you have an app you built for multiple customers. Now the app might have a series of basic report templates in terms of queriable object model outputs. Being able to build an interface that would allow the customers to design their own layouts for what fields, positioning on the page etc..labels etc. and save that design to their account for future consumption would be a huge selling feature for an application.
Specific example an invoicing application. You could pre build a bunch of templates and have the customer choose one (the only real option currently available)...or you could provide a list of fields(based on object models for the underlying report query) and have an embedded designer allow them to design their own invoice and save it. It seems to me that the later would be more desirable.
Posted on:19 Nov 2014 17:54
Exactly, and some organisation doesn't have the possibility to install applications. Then it's a long approval process and administration pain.
Posted on:19 Nov 2014 16:30
Definitely agree!! Even starting with a very basic editor where users can move things around would be beneficial!! Most users are not tech savvy enough to download a report editor, load a file, then be able to reupload the file for use.
Starting to think about other report editors because of this.