When trying to duplex print a report that has odd page numbers, the next report's first page prints on the back of the previous report. We need the ability to conditionally insert a page break based on whether the report's (the group's) page count is odd or even. Since we don't have access to the global pagecount variable outside the footer, there is no way to use it to insert a page break into the body of the report. This seems like it would be such a common need with the desire by many to save paper that it would be an obvious feature to include in the product. Thanks.
When rendering a report that displays an image through the PictureBox item with binary data in multiple threads within a Docker container, the following error is thrown:
Message=Concurrent operations from multiple threads on this type are not supported.
at Test.Reporting.Services.ReportService.<>c.<RenderReport>b__4_0(Object innerSender, ErrorEventArgs eventArgs) in C:\Users\dnikolov\Downloads\dockerblazortestappfortelerik\DockerBlazorTestAppForTelerik\DockerBlazorApp\Services\ReportService.cs:line 49
at Telerik.Reporting.Report.OnError(Object sender, ErrorEventArgs e)
at Telerik.Reporting.Report.RaiseError(Object sender, ErrorEventArgs e)
at Telerik.Reporting.Processing.Report.RaiseReportError(ProcessingElement sender, ErrorEventArgs args)
at Telerik.Reporting.Processing.Report.RaiseError(ProcessingElement sender, Exception exception)
at Telerik.Reporting.Processing.ProcessingElement.Process(IDataMember dataContext)
at Telerik.Reporting.Processing.ReportSectionBase.ProcessItem()
at Telerik.Reporting.Processing.DetailSection.ProcessItem()
at Telerik.Reporting.Processing.ReportItemBase.ProcessElement()
at Telerik.Reporting.Processing.ProcessingElement.Process(IDataMember dataContext)
The Telerik Reporting REST Service storage is automatically cleaned based on some configurable timeouts and hardcoded times. It requires an awaken service to be performed.
It would be very useful for the developer to be able to invoke manually the storage cleaning functionality either with code or through the service Web API.
If I render a report that includes a HtmlTextBox item with line breaks in its value(<br />) to PDF with the Skia graphics engine and a font such as DejaVu Sans, the <br /> tags are rendered as squares.
Sample HTML:
<p>line1<br />line2<br /><i>line3</i></p>
Using a font such as Arial, there are no such issues. However, before 2024 Q4, it wasn't a problem when using the DejaVu Sans font as well.
At the moment it's only possible to have your reports in old-fashioned projects.
It should be possible to add/design reports to SDK-style projects. That should work no matter what target framework is (.NET Core, .NET Standard or .NET Framework).
I have overridden the SendMailMessage method of the ReportsController to implement the email-sending functionality of the web report viewers.
However, despite the method being implemented in my controller, inheriting from the ReportsControllerBase class, the method is never hit, and instead, I get a 501 Not Implemented response.
The ReportsControllerBase is returning a JSON payload of { "InstanceId": "xxxx" } instead of { "instanceId": "xxxx" } that the Html5 ReportViewer is expecting. I believe the CreateInstance method should be using CreateJsonResponse instead of CreateResponse. I overrode the ReportsControllerBase.CreateInstance like the following to get it working again:
response = base.CreateInstance(clientId, reportSource);
// This is to work around a bug in telerik reporting.
BusinessLogicResponse v = BusinessLogicResponse.CreateInstance(HttpStatusCode.Created, ((ObjectResult)response).Value);
response = base.CreateJsonResponse(v);
When I try to open the edit dialog for a report parameter from the Report Explorer in the .NET Standalone Report Designer, the dialog does not open.
The same appoach works as expected with the .NET Framework Standalone Report Designer.
As an alternative for the .NET Standalone Report Designer, the second approach from the ReportParameter Collection Editor at a Glance - Telerik Reporting article may be used.
Even though I set "parametersAreaVisible" to false, the parameter area is still visible. A bit of tweaking.
Let me make a change request in the telerikReportViewer- file:
function showParametersAreaIfNecessary(params) {
parametersAreaNecessary = hasVisibleParameters(params) || !controller.isReportAutoRun();
showParametersArea(parametersAreaVisible && parametersAreaNecessary);
At the moment, a whole words are removed from text until it becomes short enough to fit in the text box, and this is the only available behaviour.
There should be an option to put ellipsis or clip the text to the textbox width instead (like CSS text-overflow "ellipsis" and "clip").
There's also an older discussion here:
Inside telerik designer for reports actually if you wish to use an RGBA color, you would need to manually write it.
And generally color choise / picking its a little old style.
-> Would be nice to modernize the UI for color management and implement a COLOR PICKER.
1. The design-time preview of the HtmlTextBox throws the "Name cannot begin with the '>' character..." error when the not equal (<>) operator is used in the value expression as it incorrectly tries to parse the operator as HTML markup. The standalone designer does not have a design-time preview for the HtmlTextBox and the issue is not present there.
This does not affect the actual preview of the report and can be worked around by negating the equal (=) operator using the Not operator instead.
2. The design-time preview of the PictureBox throws a null reference exception when it has a binding that changes its value based on one of the fields from the data source. The preview incorrectly tries to respect this binding which will not work in design time as the data is not fetched at this point. Instead, the design-time preview should use the default value from the Value property of the PictureBox, which is what the standalone designer does.
This does not affect the actual report preview.
3. The design-time preview of an HtmlTextBox located in a data item throws a null reference exception when it has a conditional formatting rule that changes the appearance of the HtmlTextBox based on the RowNumber data function. Again, this function cannot be executed successfully during design time as the data is not available yet.
Since this issue is also related to the preview during design time, it does not affect the actual report preview either.
We have text box that needs to show all that it can without growing.
If text box is set to CanGrow = false. Text box does not grow as expected however it will wrap the text.
Setting text box to TextWrap = false and CanGrow to either true or false. When rendered using GDI+ it renders as expected. When rendered using Skia it appears to always wrap the text.
Reports are deployed to a Linux docker image which is configured to use the Skia rendering engine.
Screenshot output using GDI+
Screenshot output using Skia