Last Updated: 20 Dec 2023 10:15 by ADMIN
Created on: 13 Sep 2013 22:09
Type: Feature Request
Add custom screen shot to storyboard
In the storyboard, many test steps (such as coded steps) do not capture a screen shot. It would be useful to be able to add a custom screen shot, such as of an alert box that a coded step is handling.
Posted on: 09 Aug 2017 21:33
Hopefully this is a capability one day. I came across this item and the forum thread searching for a solution, and the closest I came was manually taking bitmap images (which is a bit of a workaround).
Posted on: 30 Sep 2013 13:59
his is stupid. Why coded steps aren't recorded in storyboard? I want to export test steps as html, and see screenshots on every test action was made. But to my surprise, for some reason, apparently you can't see coded steps screenshots. Why?
    What if i want to see what was done in sequence of test actions? My coded steps has some simple randomization in entering text.
For example
2. [RegistrationTest_CodedStep] : Enter text 'Text' in 'Field1'

here is what i see in exported result. it does not even enter "Text" in that field.
What about validation? did it cause to occur something some text on the page?
What if something happens after entering data to field?