Last Updated: 11 Nov 2015 11:40 by ADMIN
Created on: 04 Jun 2015 17:46
Type: Bug Report
When exporting a project to VS empty folders are not included
1) Start with a TS project that has at least one empty folder in it
2) Export the project to VS
3) Open the new VS project

Expected: All tests and folders to be included
Actual: Only the folders that contain actual tests are included. Empty folders are not included in the VS project.
Daniel Djambov
Posted on: 11 Nov 2015 11:40
Telerik: the issue is fixed and solution will be available in our next internal product release, planned to be out by mid Nov 2015.
Posted on: 05 Jun 2015 02:03
This feature would be quite useful. Here's why:

1. Allow testers to create a project directory structure/layout early on in the development phase before they begin adding in tests and while not losing the freedom to export to Visual Studio whenever they want without losing any contents (directories) within their project.

2. We create directories in our project for a reason. Directories aren't created for fun, they are there for organization and modularity. I don't want to lose them after they have been created and I export my project to Visual Studio. Especially if I was planning on creating a test with coded steps once I opened my exported project in Visual Studio. 

3. Being able to freely export to Visual Studio (even with empty directories) is important to me because it is much more comfortable creating coded steps within the Visual Studio environment compared to the standalone.

For the record, I ran into this problem earlier this week and worked around it by adding dummy WPF tests to each leaf of the directory hierarchy which was quite laborious. Hope to see a fix for this in the future!

~ Max