Last Updated: 03 Jan 2014 12:23 by ADMIN
Created on: 06 Nov 2013 16:28
Type: Bug Report
Open Silverlight RadComboBox with "Run Selected" option fails with error "Unable to determine the type of 'radcombobox' element"
Steps to reproduce:
1) Navigate to Telerik Silverlight examples app with recorder attached
2) Record a radcombobox dropdown 'Open' action against any radcombobox control in demo
3) Select this recorded step and Run -> Selected Steps

Expected behavior:
Step executes and opens the combobox on demo page

Actual behavior:
Step fails to execute with error below, the failure details suggest the visual tree was not up to date. Adding a coded step to refresh the visual tree (eg. Pages.TelerikComboBoxFor0.SilverlightApp.OwnerApp.VisualTree.Refresh();) and executing both together is able to workaround the problem.

'11/6/2013 10:46:30 AM' - Using 'InternetExplorer' version '9.0' as default browser. 
'11/6/2013 10:46:30 AM' - 'NotRun' : 1. Navigate to : ''
'11/6/2013 10:46:30 AM' - 'NotRun' : 2. [WebTest_CodedStep] : New Coded Step
'11/6/2013 10:46:31 AM' - 'Fail' : 3. radcombobox: drop down 'Open' action.
Failure Information: 
Unable to determine the type of 'radcombobox' element. Check the log for details.
System.ArgumentException: Unable to determine the type of 'radcombobox' element. Check the log for details.
   at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Silverlight.FrameworkElement.CastAs[T]()
   at Telerik.WebAii.Design.Translators.Xaml.ComboBox.ComboToggleDropDownAction.Execute(IApplication appHost)
   at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Extensibility.XamlActionDescriptor.Execute(IAutomationHost autoHost)
   at ArtOfTest.WebAii.Design.Execution.ExecutionEngine.ExecuteStep(Int32 order)
'11/6/2013 10:46:31 AM' - Detected a failure. Step is marked 'ContinueOnFailure=False' aborting test execution.
Posted on: 03 Jan 2014 12:23
Problem is fixed and fix will be included in the upcoming service pack (end of January).
Posted on: 11 Dec 2013 09:51
I've also hit this issue while working with a customer.